When a retailer succeeds to perform well online, seeing conversions growth and a motivational return on investment it's time to check the audience settings, to be able to find out if there're any mobile users browsing your site and even better - becoming your customers? Use your Adwords Stats combined with Google Analytics traffic source data to find out more of..
In the meantime - how can you grab your mobile users' attention and make them stay longer/convert better within your platform? Here're a few check-ups:
1. First & Foremost - your mobile site:
A mobile site could attract customers across a variety of phones, be it mobile searchers or mobile app viewers.What are the obvious benefits: LINKS - to access & share your product pages, generating loads of lead generation data!
2. When is best to launch a mobile app for your business?
Are your stats showing high percentage of mobile visits from iPhones? Is the time spend on your site compelling enough? What's the percentage of returning visits versus new ones? What's your bounce rate ratio? Tagging your Mobile Site for Google analytics is here essential.. So if your data is motivational enough - time to consider diving in!
Some successful examples among e-tailers:
Debenhams app:

Debenhams launched its mobile app back in October 2010, having already generated over £1 million in sales! The retailer claimed that its iPhone app has clocked up 360,000 downloads, 2.4m unique shopping sessions, that 110,000 users have purchased items via the app more than five times and that sales on its website have increased 82.4% since October. Shall we witness anytime in future severe competition between app-based shopping experience vs. "traditional" online one? We'll have to wait & see..
3. Redirecting your mobile users to the mobile version of your site:
Since the majority of your mobile users will be arriving on your site via search engines it's a must redirecting them to a more optimised, easy-to-use platform, which will both save their time & prevent them from a quick abandon of your home page.
4. Search box - makes it a lot easier
Without any doubts - the searchbox is a useful tool for mobile users: and again - a time-saver and a bonus to your usability functions.
4. Why registration is not compulsory?
Simply because it can create annoyance and thus drive your potential customers away from your product-page - and that's a shame (given their purchase path so far). Think of abandon rates. You may be surprised to see how well your check-out pages excel at: make your purchase available within a distance of a couple of clicks.
5. Product filters - are a must!

The product pages which provide further details and reviews via links on the page, displaying delivery charges / timescales and the returns policy would be nice usability bonus, prompting users to move further down the purchase path. This information can become key to purchase decisions, and so should be available on the product page.
A few take-aways:
1. Mobile site is a must! Don't send users to non-mobile pages;
2. Registration can be a barrier to purchase;
3. Get listed on mobile comparison sites - exchange webliks and build some rapport!;
4. Get Product filters and show delivery details on product pages;
5. Provide alternatives to mobile check-out (out of security reason): collect in store, phone contact option, cash on delivery & save items to a wishlist.
Hope this was useful.