Marketing budgets are shifting to digital - that's a fact. Along with the advancement of Web 2.0 we’ve witnessed the rise of online communications which many predict may substitute traditional communication tools: say the web will replace TV and social networks will substitute e-mails. Current research offers a solid answer: not so fast and maybe – not even at all.
Epsilon CMO Survey 2010 showed that regardless of any expectations – e-mail marketing is skyrocketing. Here are a few reasons why:
- Less expensive than direct mail or printed newsletters, plus more environmentally friendly;
- Speedy: you can update the information daily, even instantly for little or no cost as opposed to print mail;
- E-mail marketing allows you to target your audience proactively, sharing your news & information;
- Easy to track: Analytics’ metrics: Open-rate, click-through rate and delivery rate;
- It allows the opportunity to advertise on someone else’s e-mail newsletter (sharing their mailing list and thus, cutting costs).
Research findings - Main E-mail Marketing Trends for 2010:
1. E-mail marketing is the Cornerstone:

Analysts confirm: e-mail marketing and SEO are currently showing highest demand rates and the reasons are obvious: highest audience reach and accountability (being ROI - friendly and easy to monitor). Additionally - Epsilon CMO Survey shows that email remains Primary Tool for Personal Online Communications:

The graph above only shows that if you have a personal message to send you'd rely on email first, whereas social networks seem to be a community feature, apparently not so much personal/intimate.
2. Web Analytics - are an E-mail Propeller:
According to the figure below - analytics made it obvious that e-mail has been steadily acquiring relevance, by replacing the following types of communications:

As shown - 40% of the respondents have already replaced bills/statements by means of emails, whereas - 38% replaced their promotional mail, etc.
3. E-mail marketing Entwined with Social Media:
Here's the answer to : Will social networks replace e-mail - it looks like they will happily co-exist together, instead of fighting against each other:

4. E-mail Marketing Driving Multi-channel Behavior:
The following graph clearly shows that although users are not so keen to make immediate online purchases, as a result of opening their emails (perhaps, due to SPAM overload) they are more keen to make offline purchases instead - which confirms information-based support provided by E-mail services. It also confirms that: interruptive marketing is losing ground, whereas engagement marketing rises fast.The rest is for you to judge:

5. Getting Mobile:
Some of the useful examples of possible tactics:
- Offer mobile-only incentives for opting into SMS or e-mail alerts;
- Ask prospects to text for a free guide and encourage e-mail opt-in;
- Deliver your e-mail content via mobile to expand your reach;
How about the Challenges? the figure below rates e-mail marketing challenges by their importance:

An now - some Take-Away Tips:
1. Integrate: Create infrastructure necessary to encompass all available online channels;
2. Make it work simultaneously: Create messaging, offers and creative that can be used across multiple channels;
3. Customize: Employ customized trigger and drip e-mail campaigns;
4. Engage: Create long-term engagement through: personalization and transactional e-mails (e.g. bank statement e-mails showing relevant transactions over a certain time period)
5. If you're still wondering: How much is Too Much - remember that optimal frequency goes hand in hand with content relevancy.
Good luck,
Digital Lunch Team
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Excellent article!
Thank you, Keith
Nice blog!
I think the best e-mail list that you could ever use is the one that you developed on your own through interested subscribers to your newsletter. The next best list is the one you acquire through careful research of profiling your best customers through purchasing history, how recently they purchased.
Tim Little
Publisher, www.marketinglistbroker.com
Hi, Tim. I suppose the strategies you mentioned would be suitable tomost business operations out there - it's not an easy task, but a worthwhile one. Thank you for your contribution.
Digital Lunch
Community Editor
Excellent blog.E-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. In its broadest sense, every e-mail sent to a potential or current customer could be considered e-mail marketing.For more info visit mlsp review
Many thanks for your comments,Alex!
Excellent tips on Email marketing. Email marketing is going in a fast pace because of its effectiveness on cutting cost and faster deliverbility.
Provides a cost-effective way of landing new business and Lets you target individuals and groups more precisely with your products and services
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