"Whisper to me your search query and I'll be ready to fire up the results for you", - supposedly 'said' Google this week to its multi-million clients' base.
We've all experienced the meaning of speed...I'll clarify: speed accompanies now the search market leader : the quicker you can get the user to the desired "land"-ing page, the higher will be his recognition: in terms of traffic, sales and .. ultimately long-term retention.

Since Google has worked from its infancy on its key market USP: relevancy (qualitative results), it has now decided to stretch its speedy locomotive, by "gently" pressing on quantity. Will the two features work well together? Time will show.
Yet, Google has launched now its new service - Google Search by Voice, which enables mobile users to search the web faster than ever before—"getting you answers with fewer keystrokes" (as promised by Google):

The service was originally launched in English, and was offered in the U.S., U.K., India, Australia and New Zealand. Later - Japanese and Mandarin were introduce to expand the number of possible users. Just a week ago, Google launched the service also in French, Italian, German and Spanish.
You may be well wondering how accurate will Google results be based on our voices only, taken into account the tone, the accent, clarity of sounds etc.
Also, will the service speed up the "results' journey" or hinder them instead? Let's see what the company version is:
According to the company's official blog, even the local dialects were considered as a performance factor for speech recognition, so that this week Google continues its expansion by including Korean, Taiwanese of Traditional Mandarin versions.
Any thoughts? Has anybody already tried the service on your mobiles and wants to share the experience? Would be glad to hear.
P.S. You can find the application for your mobile by accessing the page below:
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Great news Nadya,
I've followed the link you suggested and had only to download the app (I'm using HTC,with an Android op.system). The app is easy to use and really convenient. Moreover, I could even use it for GPS voice search, on my way to Bristol the other day..
Jim K.
(we've "met" on LinkekIn last year and I'm still following your posts with huge interest! keep up the great job you're doing..)
Thank you, Jim! Glad you're among my loyal readers,appreciate your comments!
Nadya @Digilunch
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