Saturday, March 27, 2010

What Tag Cloud Are You?

The reason I refer here to personal brands is simple: our offline activity has been building our reputation for ages, whereas now it doesn't really have the final word to say - our online visibility isn't less important since it adds up a huge amount of features to describe our identity.

Thus, to manage our brands online we need an entire toolkit. Also, since things are evolving pretty fast, there's no point in trying to "absorb" all of them at once - selection is far better, when taken through the following filter: "what's your purpose and who's your target audience?".

One of the tools worth mentioning is: a bag of tag clouds. The more visible we are online, the bigger becomes our bag full of association words which describe us and our brands. Anyway, my point: quality always beats quantity in image contests:) and I'm sharing a few ones of value I've just recently discovered myself:

1. Wordle:

Blogs for instance, often include a tag cloud to help readers see what topics, interests they cover. I'm pretty sure you're going to love this website - although it's based on a thorough IBM research it doesn't require any technical skills to help you pick up the words and design to fit your blog page - I had some fun myself today while picking up the tags and design that would suit Digital Lunch:


The website is incredibly easy to navigate and help you choose your own creative versions: be it for your child at school (helping him easily memorize history topics), be it a report, a review, a quizz or whatever your imagination leads you to in your working process:

An other cute e-device suggests what your Twitter account personality is like using the words from your Twitter followers' bio - clever, right? Besides, you'd be surprised to see some of your personal interests' reflections on it (such as favourite type of sports, food, places to visit, etc):

2. TwitterSheep:

I've searched for @Digilunch and beside a funny feeling of surprise, I've found some pretty fair "claims":

An other curious research has been made based on public speaches held over a certain period of time by the US politicians. Below for example are the most frequent words used by senator Gravel:

plus an other one showcasing Obama's speeches - source: pollster (you'll notice an obvious confidence - ):

So, as you see - our bag of "precious pearls" can hide a lot of curiosities about both: online and offline personalities.

Thus, the more social our search becomes, the heavier the bag will be showing its diverse collection of shiny pearls which - we may or may not pick by ourselves!

Happy colouring!!

Do you have any other curious tools to share?
Looking forward to hear,

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Brian on March 28, 2010 at 2:24 AM said...

Great post! Although Wordle is far more "colorful", there's an other similar tool I know:


Web Solutions on April 4, 2010 at 12:25 PM said...

I have read this post and really nice post on "tag cloud" and really helpful for us to determine on which tags are important for your website.
Interesting post


Nadya on April 6, 2010 at 1:14 PM said...

Thank you, Brian!! Good to have you on our community platform. Looking forward to hear more of your suggestions/comments.


Nadya on April 11, 2010 at 1:48 AM said...

Thank you, Web Solutions! Glad you find it useful!!


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