London leads a chart of the world’s major cities considering its highest number of Twitter user accounts, followed by Los Angeles and Chicago, according to research by Hubspot (based on Geolocation data).
Based on an analysis of 9 million accounts, Hubspot has revealed that Twitter accounts that include a profile picture have 10 times the number of followers than those without - a picture on Twitter undoubtedly relates to online trust and why not further engagement chances.
Using Hubspot’s Twitter grader tool, you can also score your own Twitter account for influence out of 100 points and see where it stands compared to more than 6 million accounts that have aready been graded.
So far, Top ranked Twitterers include CNN, BBC, NASA, Mashable, The New York Times & The Guardian.
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I like your sence of thinking, appriciate the design of the blog! great! continue that way!
Thank you for that!! Nice having you around!!
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