Until now, the Profile has included basic information about the user: our name, hometown, schools we attended, the place where we work. In the new features, which will be gradually rolled out to the user base over the next few weeks, the Profile now includes the last five photos in which the user was tagged. If you're wondering why would photos come in the limelight first - here's the motivation Facebook supports: “There's often no better way to learn about a person than through photos,” as mentioned by engineer Josh Wiseman on the Facebook blog. Also, according to Facebook - every day, a staggering 100 million photos are uploaded on to the site. You may see an example below:

New Options?
The new profile lets users list a wider variety of experiences. For example, under the Education and Work section, you can list more than just the schools you’ve attended and the jobs you’ve had. You can also list meaningful projects you’ve worked on. And the top interests on your profile page will now appear as a row of images, instead of just text.

"You can see all the things that you have in common with that person," Facebook CEO
Mark Zuckerberg told "60 Minutes" interviewer Lesley Stahl Sunday night. "It gives you this amazing connection with that person in a way that the current version of the profile that we have today just doesn't do."
At the same time Facebook becomes increasingly bloated with user-created content, which means that it also becomes easier for users to feel overwhelmed and view "Facebook as a time suck" (Kit Eaton, www.fastcompany.com.)
You may now wonder:
So What's Different about the new profiles?
Current Facebook profiles list personal information such as birthday, relationship status and city of residence in a left-rail column underneath the user's single profile photo. The new design moves that information up higher, in a more conversational format - offering basically a "mini-portrait" of a person.
Another new feature, called “the friendship page,” pulls up a history of your relationship with any of your Facebook friends. It displays such details as comments you've exchanged and places you've visited together.
Moreover, Facebook engineers have came up with several new features, including a new section, located on the left of the profile page: where you can now list the important people in your life, like your parents, siblings, spouse, roommates, or friends.
So - Does my profile page have to change?
Eventually, yes.
The new profile page will be rolled out over the next month or so, according to a blog post from Facebook. If you do nothing, you'll log on to your profile page one day soon to find that Facebook has rearranged your information to fit the new layout.
But users who want to update now can do so by following a prompt from their profile pages.
How will this change impact the information I choose to share on my page?
According to Facebook blog, the change does not affect users' existing privacy settings. A quick attempt to web-search for a user's Facebook page (which had been updated) on Monday revealed the same information that was public before the switch.
And if you don't like the five photos of you that appear near the top of your page, you can hide them or swap them out for different ones.
What should I do to update my profile?
• Log in to Facebook and go to www.facebook.com/about/profile/.
• Click the green "Get the New Profile" box.
• Your new profile page will appear. At the top, you can update personal information about things like your job, current city and relationship status.
• You can click the "Edit Profile" link to change any other information.
• If you don't like the photos that appear, hover your cursor over them one at a time. A box will appear at the top right that you can click to remove that photo.
This will not make the photo disappear entirely or remove your tag; it will just mean it won't be one of the ones people see at the top of your profile.
Ok, so the info can be edited - a relief. Still, I'm just wondering who would rate their friends, relatives, etc - by matter of importance? Isn't that just too private to make it public? Or, should there be in time options to create Tier 1 TOP Friends List, Tier 2 TOP Friends List? As ridiculous as is sounds..is Facebook just getting too bloated or it's becoming a "necessary evil" we have to keep up with but know how to protect ourselves from?
Curious to hear your say,
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