So you've got yourself a brand new Smartphone. Now what? According to eMarketer report published today, most smartphone users access accounts via browsers, not apps.
Mobile banking is gradually becoming a commodity feature since mobile internet has come up with new options for smartphone users. Even if mobile commerce is not yet a hit, Americans for instance appear to be eagerly adopting mobile banking.
The early report issued by Data Innovation shows that around 68.7% of US smartphone users had been accessing banking or other financial services on their mobile phone in the past three months.
The observed top activity was: checking account balances and posted transactions including paying bills via mobile, and even nonbanking financial services: paying credit card bills (more than 50%), as shown below:

What's curious is an other report issued by comScore stating that SMS banking has lost ground in favour of mobile banking. Obviously we're experiencing a brige for services migration from offline to online commerce and ultimately onto mobile commerce.
Moreover, a majority of savvy smartphone users declared they would be tempted by a slightly practical "transformation" of their mobile devices into “mobile wallets,”, allowing users to swipe mobile phones like credit or debit cards and would store data such as loyalty cards and coupons. The report also mentioned that another 1/4 were still unsure about the idea.
What's your view? A multi-functional mobile device is already a reality (broadband, photo camera, radio, organizer etc - all at your service) - but how about a mobile behaving itself as a credit card, so that you can safely swipe it through?
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I've just voted on your poll and chose emailing - to my business it's crucial. As for the "mobile wallet", I'd rather wait and see how safe it'll be. Though it would be a nice read,too:
At Mobile World Congress, mobile banking takes center stage: http://ow.ly/17P2q
Your loyal reader, James Taylor (US -CA)
For better communication Smartphone gives you new criteria, like email and internet usability in your phone,i have just voted on Email.And nice post.
thank you
Thank you both for your views and support. It pays off knowing that we have common interests and knowledge to share.
Digital Lunch will keep posting further E-marketing news and tips. We've just started a page on Facebook and plan to collect your suggestions for future posts.
Nadya at @Digilunch
Hi Nadya,
My husband and 23 year old daughter are in favour of smart phone banking. They stated that the new technology is safer than the older / previous technology ... that is, of course, until hackers figure out the new technology. Then passwords and security settings need to be monitored and changed regularly. I'm inclined to agree. Also, the convenience is a factor, especially in extreme climate such as ours which varies from over 30 degrees Celcius in the summer to minus 35 degrees Celcius (or lower) in the winter. Trying to get to the bank on time after work through rush hour traffic is a huge challenge.
Best Regards, Grace
Thank you, Grace, your insight is precious. The World Mobile Congress has revealed this year numerous opportunities related to mobile banking. Would be curious to see the new developments in the industry as it may determine a shift of attention from online to mobile web for both consumers and marketers..
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