So you've set up for yourself a fairly visible online presence, but you haven't really made it on purpose: perhaps you may have followed your friends' advice and joined a whole range of social websites: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc and yes - you've even opened a LinkedIn page (since most of your new colleagues have one)... but the truth is - you aren't really happy about your "online looks" as it doesn't tells the right story about you and it doesn't make you stand out from the crowd either, right?
If all of the above are a bit close to your recent online experience, then there's a solution you may want to hear about: Web 2.0 Suicide Machine (suicidemachine.org) - which enables you to delete your existing social networking profiles and even...kill your virtual friends:

Recent article in .net magazine featured an interview with the platform's chief euthanasia officer - Gordan Savicic.
It turnes out that 3 guys came up with an Out-of-Box idea (partying at night in one of Rotterdam's clubs) of colectively deleting your social networking profiles. All you have to do is to grab a pint of courage, fill out some forms and do away with your Web 2.0 alter ego.
How it goes? As soon as you click the "commit" button - The Suicide Machine kicks off and the next thing you will see is a pop-up Flash player containing a browser that will log in automatically to your account to..- erase it.
How's been doing so far? Over 2 million unique visitors, 1,170,263 friends have been unfriended and 504,978 tweets have been removed since launching. Delete or not to delete - that's your call, but if you want to make it quick and easy - there's a way to go. As for privacy concerns - just note that you won't have your passwords stored or shared later on.
That'll be it. For more Digital Lunch Menu ideas, don't hesitate to leave us your food and taste preferences!
All yours,
P.S. Some Funny Bits from South Park - on theme (disregard the uncensored language, pls:):